Gardner Village Blog Lucinda's Favorite Popcorn Potion -- Two FREE Must-have Recipes
Wednesday Oct 18 2023

Lucinda here. Popping in to let you in on a little secret… Witches LOVE popcorn! And since October is both National Popcorn Month and National Caramel Month, I thought I’d share a couple of spooky recipes with you today. But, first… “Alexa, add slime and frog water to the shopping list.”

halloween teacher gift

Okay, let’s begin. These recipes make frightfully fun gifts, whether you’re participating in neighborhood booing or simply want to do a little green-nosing with the witches at the office.

 halloween treat for coworkers

Recipe #1: Jello Popcorn

Pick your poison. This magnificent mashup can be any flavor you choose, depending on the Jello you select.



1/3 cup butter

1/4 cup honey

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 small packet of flavored Jello

10 cups of air-popped/plain popcorn

Jello popcorn 

Cooking Directions

Combine all ingredients except popcorn into a saucepan and cook on medium-high heat until mixture comes to a full rolling boil. Pour over popcorn and mix to cover evenly. Spread covered popcorn out on counter to cool and dry. Break apart pieces and start stuffing that witch!


Witch Directions

Here’s how you create a witchy companion.

1. Wrap cellophane around a roll of paper towels and tape into place along the sides and bottom to create the structure for your witch body.

Lucinda the Gardner Village Witch

halloween crafts

diy popcorn witch 

family fun in Utah

2. Fill half of the cello tube with plain popcorn and half with your Jello concoction. Roll the top of the cellophane down and staple in place to secure shut.

 neighbor boo ideas

3. For the face, you can either use art supplies such as permanent markers or acrylic paint to create her gorgeous good looks, or you can opt for 3D facial flair.

easy ideas for friends 

cute halloween party gifts

4. What’s a witch without her wig and hat. Raffia is just the ticket for those flowing locks. Secure it in place with a little tape and then hide the evidence by topping your witch with her finest hat! 

popcorn crafts

Tip: Doilies or a little lace wraps around to make a chic witch wardrobe. 

5. Follow the same steps to create the arms and legs, opting for a smaller template/form than the full power towel roll. A partial roll works well. Create four tubes, fill them with green corn (or your fav Jello color/flavor), and secure the limbs closed using ribbon. 

gifts to give on halloween 

Isn’t she a beauty?


Recipe #2: Slime Popcorn

Jeepers creepers! Get a load of these peepers. Making popcorn eyeballs is easy. Here’s how the magic happens!  

popcorn ball eyes 


Popped popcorn (I use air-popped, but two bags of microwave corn would also work)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 package of mini marshmallows

Green and black food coloring

Licorice chording

slime popcorn 

Cooking Directions

Melt butter, brown sugar, and marshmallows in the microwave for about 60 seconds. Stir for an additional 30 seconds. Color some of the mixture with green food coloring, some with black, and leave some uncolored. Pour your various shades over batches of popped popcorn and start shaping those eyes!


Eyeball Directions

1. Roll your green popcorn into a ball and center on a ball of uncolored popcorn.

2. Add a few black pieces of popcorn to the center to create those piercing pupils.

3. String some licorice chording (I’ve used Twizzler Pull-n-Peels) to create those beautiful bloodshot veins.

how to make eyeballs out of popcorn

NOTE: If you prefer eye of newt to eye of corn, you can always simply fill a cauldron with this hocus pocus and serve it that way. Add a few foot corns… errr, CANDY corns for good measure!

witchy treats 

Tip: Shaping your eyeballs is easier with a little slime. I opt for the spray-on variety (non-stick Pam) and add a little to my hands.

easy halloween treats to try 

That’s it! With the wave of a wand, you have a quick treat to enjoy; and if you’re feeling extra generous, a little leftover to share. Thanks for joining me today, witches! I can’t wait to see you at WitchFest soon!

WitchFest 2023 

Creepin it real!


Labels: popcorn recipe, halloween treats, witchy popcorn, lucinda the gardner village witch, witchfest, boo ideas, national caramel month, national popcorn month, jello popcorn