Gardner Village Blog Let's Celebrate Irish American Heritage Month
Wednesday Mar 9 2022

March is Irish American Heritage Month. Did you know? Amy Hasna, owner of The Crystal Fairy, is here to celebrate with us and share some of the MANY interesting tidbits she knows about this rich culture and its influence today. From St. Patrick to the Celts, you'll learn a great deal chatting with Amy, and The Crystal Fairy is your go-to source for Irish-inspired gifts, wearables, books, and more! Even if your ancestors didn't call Ireland "gnome, you're going to want to hang out for a bit!

 The Crystal Fairy

Irish Heritage Month: St. Patrick

Saint Patrick is widely credited for introducing Christianity in Ireland. To honor that time and the patron saint, St. Patrick's Day was established. It began as a religious event, complete with services and a feast. Today, across the pond in the U.S., St. Patrick's Day is now less about the religious element and more about celebrating the country of origin, Ireland! We wear our green, have rainbows at the ready, and enjoy the rich flavors of traditional Irish food and drink. 

Cute St. Patrick's Day attire 

If you’re looking for a little luck o’ the Irish, The Crystal Fairy at Gardner Village is your go-to spot. You’ll find a pinch of green, as well as rainbow wear, for young and old alike.

Fun things to do with family for St. Patrick's Day

Speaking of Irish flavors, wouldn't it be fun to prepare a traditional Irish dish this year. Check out this cookbook, now available at The Crystal Fairy. 

Irish Heritage: Celtic Culture

Celtic tribes date back to ancient Europe, long before the time of St. Patrick. Long before the days of St. Patrick, the Celts were the largest group to inhabit ancient Europe. While the Celtic culture might not have this kind of prominence today, it is still observed and practiced by many. Much of the Celtic ways were preserved in Ireland, which remained less inhabited by Romans and other cultures as time went by.

 Irish American Heritage Month

The Crystal Fairy has a wide variety of Celtic merchandise. From books and decks to jewelry and gifts, you'll find this store is a wonderful stop for getting in touch with Irish ways and deep-rooted Celtic culure.  


What Knot to Wear

Celtic knots are intricately designed patterns, rich in meaning and significance. You can get knot symbols in all kinds of forms, from your earrings to your bracelets. The entire Celtic foundation grew from these knots and mean...

  • No beginning and no end — eternity
  • Changeless, everlasting cycles, duality of male and female
  • Love and friendship – The unity of kindness and wisdom

Here are a few of the most common Celtic knots/symbols and what they represent: 

The Triquetra (also known as the Trinity Knot)

Celtic Trinity Knot

  • Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost)
  • Pagan Three Goddess Aspect (Maiden, Mother, Crone)
  • Earth, Sea, Sky
  • Body, Mind, Spirit
  • Connectedness of all life
  • Protection


The Triskelion

The Triskelion Knot

  • Constant motion, moving forward, progression
  • The unity of natural, practical, and spiritual
  • Life, death, rebirth
  • Sun, moon, and stars (The universe, in constant motion)
  • Spirit guides, ancestors, and deities


The Celtic Tree of Life 

Celtic Tree of Life

  • The forces of nature coming together in perfect harmony
  • Universal balance
  • Unity, family, roots, the interconnectedness of all
  • Wisdom, strength, long life, rebirth


The Claddagh

The claddagh

Unity, love, companionship, faithfulness, and friendship

More in Store

Want to know more? This is certainly knot the end of the interesting Irish info. Why not celebrate Irish American Heritage Month with a field trip to The Crystal Fairy here at Gardner Village and experience it all for yourself? Right as you enter, you'll find a full Irish-inspired display, complete with framed details and a fun collection of products. Plus, you'll likely meet Amy, the shop's owner, who hails from Ireland and has the passion and know-how to show for it. The conversation alone will make the trip well worth your while. 

Irish American Heritage Month

Happy Irish American Heritage Month! 

 Best local shops in Utah



Labels: irish american heritage month, the crystal fairy, celtic culture, celtic knots and their meanings, where to buy cute st. patrick's day attire in utah, shop local