Gardner Village Blog Help Feed Starving Children at The Gathering Place
Tuesday Apr 3 2018

Now’s your chance to make a big difference in just two short hours. Even the kids (ages 5+) can get in on the action and help feed starving children around the world. 


WHAT: Feed My Starving Children Packing Event

WHEN: April 13 and 14, 2018

TIME: Two-hour time slots available (see list here)

WHERE: The Gathering Place at Gardner Village


You Can Make a BIG Difference

Would you believe it if someone told you that you could pack 9,000 meals in just a couple of hours? It’s true, and Feed My Starving Children makes it possible. 

gardner village

Last year, Gardner Village turned The Gathering Place into a FDA (federally approved) packing site. In just 1.5 days, volunteers at packed 172,000 meals! 


Kids Feeding Kids

The 172,000 packed meals were shipped to the Philippines to feed 468 children for a year. How’s this for a very cool fact?! This is the EXACT same number of kids who came out to volunteer at the pack—468 children helped to feed 468 children. Isn’t that a remarkable coincidence?!

the gathering place

Of course, if you ask Angie Gerdes, one of Gardner Village’s owners and one who helps coordinate this massive effort each year, there aren’t coincidences where this tremendous effort is concerned.


“This is God’s work. He is the one…” Angie said, with emotion in her voice. “We’ve never not had enough people to help us pack. Often, people sign up and don’t show up, but then others just happen to show up. God is filling in the gap, so we don’t feel stress. It takes any pressure off.”

Increasing the Goal By 100,000 Meals!

Such faith must explain why organizers remain so calm and optimistic, even though The Village is seriously upping the ante this year. 

pack site

“We’ve committed to pack 270,000 meals this year,” Angie said. “They have to send a second semi truck of food… It’s stretching us a lot, but I know we can do it.” 

Volunteers are the key to the success, and The Village is extremely grateful for every one. This year, that includes EO Utah (Entrepreneurs’ Organization), who has committed people to help pack and an extra $15,000 to help cover the cost of food. You see, it’s about more than just packing food into meals. It’s about paying for the food that’s packed. At just $0.25 per meal, a little money goes a long way. 

Well-Oiled Machine

It takes much work on the back end to make everything happen. 

“Everything is really well organized and lined up,” Angie described. “Bob and Maureen Evans started Kids Feeding Kids, which is the name of the local packing group we work with. They do an amazing job. This is their fifth or sixth year.” 



1. Your Time

All (ages 5+) are invited to help pack. This year, packing takes place for two full days to ensure the hefty goal is met. But this doesn’t mean you’re there for 48 hours straight. Instead, it’s a very reasonable two-hour time slot.

utah community helps

“We’re so grateful that so many spots are already taken,” Angie said. “But we could really use help on Friday morning. This is when many are at work, which complicates things for our Friday/Saturday pack.”


If you want to volunteer your time on Friday morning or any of the open times, you can do so here


“There are mobile packs everywhere,” Angie added. “Even if you can’t join us, you’ll find other packs and opportunities to experience this life-changing event.” 


2. Your Money

If every volunteer were to contribute $50, it would cover the cost of all of the meals they packed in their time at the event. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to pay to volunteer OR volunteer to donate funds. But a meal costs just $0.25, so every quarter helps. 

world hunger

“We have donation stations set up throughout The Village if you want to donate on site. We’re so appreciative of those who have already contributed,” Angie said, with compassion in her voice. 


You’re welcome to donate at one of the registers throughout The Village, or you can quickly donate online, here. From $0.50 to $50, any amount makes a difference. 


A Unique Educational Experience

With your packing session, you’ll receive education on Feed My Starving Children, including how to pack, nutritional information, and why the packing makes such an impact. It’s all very positive! With the knowledge, you leave with a happy heart, knowing your few hours of service make a tremendous difference. 

feed my starving children

“Last year, we had two people helping with our pack who were from other countries and had lived on meals provided by Feed My Starving Children,” Angie recalled. “They’re now living in the US, getting college educations, and volunteering their own time packing meals. They’ve lived on the food and know firsthand how meaningful it is. It was a very full-circle experience that I won’t forget.” 


A Lasting Impression for All Ages

The entire family (ages 5+) are invited to participate.

utah volunteer opportunity

“The adults are always so inspired by the children who participate,” Angie said. “The heart of a child… We all need one of those, huh?”


Absolutely, Angie. Absolutely! 


A Good Time

For as worthwhile and memorable as this experience is, it’s also a lot of fun. The time will fly and you’ll walk away knowing you’ve helped feed hundreds of children who would otherwise go without.

kids feeding kids

“It’s hard not to just love it all,” Angie said with a smile. 


Learn more about donating or joining us on April 13 or 14 here.

Labels: feed my starving children, kids feeding kids, gardner village, philanthropy, fundraising, utah, salt lake area, west jordan, global impact